Makemusic Finale 2009 英文正式版(樂譜製作軟體)(DVD版)
初期只能於Macintosh的Mac OS使用,1998年對應
Microsoft Windows,2006年以後的
版本則可以完全對應Windows XP和Mac OS X。 Finale是一套有高質量及容易使用的樂
做為製譜軟體行業中的王者,Finale最新推出2009版本。 Finale 2009比以前的版本
功能更加強大,使用起來也更加得心應手。 2009版本是一次較大的更新,它必將再一
Finale 2009最大的改變是改進了工作流程,並開始提供對VST和AU插件的完整支援,
依然免費提供Garritan Aria Player。
Finale 2009主要變化:
-包含300種經典樂器音色,全部來自Garritan Personal Orchestra,新音色包括薩克
-包含100多種打擊樂音色,全部來自Tapspace Virtual Drumline。
-贈送Garritan Aria Player,並與Finale 2009緊密整合。
MakeMusic Finale 2009
Finale 2009 - the world's most powerful music notation software. Lets you
express your creativity and love of music. Compose, arrange, notate, and
print engraver-quality sheet music. This new version of the software
provides a number of improvements over the last version, including
streamlined creation, entry, editing, copying, and moving of dynamics,
tempo indications, and other text and markings.
According to the manufacturer, these changes will allow Finale users to
complete their work in less time with fewer keystrokes and mouse clicks.
Furthermore, Finale 2009 offers multipage viewing and editing; sounds
from Garritan Personal Orchestra and Tapspace Virtual Drumline; the
Garritan Aria player for VST/AU playback; open VST/AU hosting so that any
instrument plug-in can be used with Finale; simplified and expanded
creation of SmartMusic accompaniment files; updated Engraver Slurs,
FinaleScript, MusicXML; and more.
Finale is the world standard used by more educators, composers, students,
performers and music ministers than any other notation program.
MakeMusic Finale Allegro 2007 v12.2.9.0 英文正式版(音樂軟體)
MakeMusic Finale 2014d Build v2014.4.5030 英文版(DVD版)(譜曲軟體軟體)
Makemusic Finale 2010 v15.0.0.0 英文正式版(專業樂譜繪製音樂製作軟體)
MakeMusic Finale PrintMusic 2008 v13.0.0.2 英文正式版(樂譜繪製音樂製作軟體)
MakeMusic Finale 2010 v15.0 英文正式版(樂譜繪製音樂製作軟體)
MakeMusic Finale 2014d Build v2014.4.5030 英文版(DVD版)(譜曲軟體)
MakeMusic Finale v2014.0.3062 For Mac 英文版(專業譜曲軟體)(DVD版)